Wednesday, 20 August 2008

My First Date as a European!

I met a nice French guy when I was here in February. I was out with some friends at a bar in Central London when I met him and his group of his friends. Considering my friends were all from France everyone seemed to mesh well. We had a blast dancing and drinking so we made plans for the following night to meet again. Needless to say, another great time was had by all, so we agreed that when I returned to London from my three month journey in Paris we would reconvene. We kept in touch through emails and occasional phone conversations. That should catch you up to the first date, April 27th 2008.
He picked me up from my tube stop. Let me just say this took some getting used to, being an urban girl from Miami, I am used to being picked up in a car, at my door, with flowers in hand (if I’m lucky). Not exactly this guys style, not generally any guys style here unless you date a wealthy guy. Pressing on, he took me to Central to have a few drinks at a quite posh place called Polo Bar then we went to the Floridita to dance. He was a complete gentleman the whole time. The only awkwardness was his English. He wasn’t completely fluent; I would say about 75% fluent. That was fine; he was sweet and nice to look at.
Afterwards he took me for a walk along the Thames River. Uh, it was beautiful! The lights of the London Eye, the buildings and boats all reflected off the water. It was slightly chilly so he put his jacket around my shoulders as he gazed into my eyes and smiled, I melted. Because let's face it, this wouldn’t happen on a date in South Florida in million years! A: It's not cold enough for a guy to even wear a jacket, B: The only time a guy makes any romantic gesture with his clothing is when he starts to take it off because he thinks he's about to get lucky (most of the time, not to discredit THE FEW real gentlemen I've dated). It was all really refreshing. So refreshing I'm afraid I got a little ahead of myself and I slept with him on the first date. Ok technically, it wasn’t the first date it was our third if you count the two we had three months prior. Pressing on....
We dated for a couple of months. He was fabulous on a boyfriend scale, he called to check on me, he courted me properly, dinner, dancing, great sex, etc. and we laughed together (which is most important to me).

Unfortunately, I was strong enough at this point to cope with his language differences. Being away from home I need a guy who can completely understand me, get my jokes, give me advice and really communicate me on a higher level. If I can't have an intellectual conversation, then I'm just flat out bored! And not to sound like a snob, but I am used to specific things like a guy with a car, a great career and a man who is ready to step up to the plate. I guess you could call me spoiled. But this is only a result of my environment. Now, if I grew up in Kentucky this typical European style dating thing would be like a dream come true. This is the moment I decided to end it with the Frenchman and find myself a proper English bloke!! And that’s just what I did...........

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